Carinthia Ride.Share

Learn more about Carinthia Ride.Share from Connecty the Robot and Avi the Avocado.

We Are Here For You: Carinthia Ride.Share 

You Are under 14? 

Then ask your parents to learn more about the Carinthia Ride.Share app together with you. Learn more ...

You are 14 or older?

No school bus in sight and public transportation isn't really playing ball when it comes to getting to school, work or your recreational adventures? Want to do something good for the environment, too? And get to know other young people? But how? We have just the thing for you - the Carinthia Ride.Share app! Curious? Here's all the info you need!

You Are A Parent?

There is no school bus for your child or teenager? Also no possibility for your child to get to a leisure activity without you? You need support and want to do something for the environment at the same time? Then you have come to the right place. The Carinthia Ride.Share app supports you. Learn more ..


Together For a Green Future: Children Mobile, Environment Protected!