At ETCOP we are proud to be certified practitioners of the Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile® (EMP). Whether you are a student, entrepreneur, business leader, or college professor, we can administer the EMP to both individuals and teams. Participants receive detailed individual and group reports. These EMP feedback reports include scores on 14 discrete scales across the two domains of Personality Scales and Skills Scales. In addition, each participant receives a comprehensive 67-page Development Guide, which includes interpretation material and development suggestions, action planning tips and guidelines for continuous improvement. This ensures a well-rounded approach to enhancing entrepreneurial capability and success.
With over 650 Certified EMP Practitioners in 40 nations across 6 continents, the Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile® (EMP) is a globally recognized tool. More than 300 of these practitioners are university educators, demonstrating the EMP's significant impact on academic entrepreneurship programs. ETCOP proudly represents Austria in this international network, bringing the benefits of the EMP to entrepreneurs, students, and corporate leaders. Join us and be part of a worldwide movement to enhance entrepreneurial capabilities and drive innovation.
To schedule a personal or online appointment with our certified EMP practitioners, please click the button below. Our team is ready to assist you in unlocking your entrepreneurial potential through detailed feedback and personalized development strategies.
Faculty: Utilize the EMP to help students understand the entrepreneurial mindset and their profiles. Integrate feedback and the Development Guide into curricula for a modern approach to teaching entrepreneurship.
Students: Gain insights into entrepreneurial abilities with the EMP Feedback Report. Use the Development Guide for continuous improvement and career direction.
Academic Advisors/Career Counselors: Leverage EMP results to guide students in making informed decisions about majors and career paths, enhancing their success in a competitive job market.
Research: Use EMP data to develop specific student norm groups and support research projects in entrepreneurship education.
Corporate Innovation: In today's competitive business environment, companies need to maximize their entrepreneurial capacity to thrive. The EMP helps business leaders and their teams drive growth and innovation.
Individual Development: Helps employees at all levels identify entrepreneurial strengths and development areas. Compares individual scores to entrepreneurs and corporate managers. Includes a Development Guide for actionable improvement plans.
Team Development: Uses composite data from Group Reports to guide team progress. Identifies strong and weak areas in the team's entrepreneurial makeup. Enhances strengths and targets growth areas through team discussions.
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